3-6 February 2022EH101 BITEC, BANGKOK
Exhitbitor Login
Admission Policy

Procedures to follow before attending the hall in acoompiance with DMHTTA guidelines (covid measures)
Please present this confirmation letter to the pre-registration counter in front of Hall 101 to receive your badge.
Please kindly follow the health screening requirement at the hall entrance. Visitor(s) whose body temperature exceeds 37.5 degrees Celsius, will not be allowed to enter the hall.
Please show verification vaccine result corresponding to government regula-tion or ATK result within 72 hours before visiting.
Visitors must scan the QR Code using "ThaiChana" or "Thai Save Thai" applica-tions when entering and exiting the hall.
Visitors will be requested to attach screening-sticker at all times.
Visitors must wear a mask (surgical preferable) at all times during the visit.
Please always keep 1– 2 meters social-distancing at any areas during the show.
Please wash your hands with alcohol gel before entering and existing the hall, and every time you touch the exhibitors' equipment or products.
The organizer reserves the right to a limited number of visitors to reduce the density in the area (you are advised to pre-register in advance).
To protect yourself and others, please adhere to the guidelines above. Thank you.